
Friday, July 20, 2007

Life and death of Mr Bean

Mummy introduced a new toy to me. I call him Mr Bean.

Unlike Luckie, who goes for the underpants, I attack the eyes first...Mummy never had the chance to take a proper picture.

Moments after the first picture was taken, I attacked the other eye.

And in a couple of days...

Mr Bean didn't have a very long life. =X


Oscar said...

Aw, poor Ted. What is it with you little cutie girls being so harsh with your toys?!

Oscar x

Maggie said...

Oops! He was blind and now he's dead! How sad for Mr. Bean!

Love ya lots,

Suki said...

Wow, you Dachsies are brutal! I am much kinder to my stuffies...I usually just slobber all over!

Puggy kisses

Clover said...

Haha! Good job, Reina! I am just working on my first stuffie destruction now... a poor unsuspecting butterfly. Hehe.. I aspire to be as good at destroying as you!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

Reina... Reina... u left me totally speechless :x

simba said...

He looks a bit deflated now. I love nothing more then to destuff a stuffie.

Simba xx

Ruby said...

Poor Mr. Bean...he was cute. But as long as YOU had fun that's all that count.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Reina.
Mr. Bean didn't have a long life! You are so fast killing your toys!! I feel sorry for him!

Pippin said...

Now you have to learn to be a bit smarter Reina. If you keep destroying your toys this fast, your parents are going to stop buying them for you.
What you have to do is hide the evidence. I have hidden so many things now and my parents have no idea. Socks, pigs ears (they are treats they give me) and other things too. I put them in the corner of the room and they never seem to find them :D
Next time you destroy a toy, try hiding it. They will just think you have lost it and buy you a new one :D
Good luck

BenBen said...

Reina, this is a good one. Bravo!!!!
Dont let the other Mr.Bean see it, he gonna cry you a river..

Sparky said...

Poor Mr. Bean! I bet you had fun killing him, Reina. :)


joestains said...

did he taste like beans on the inside? good job!

River said...

LOL - I can't stop laughing at the poor deflated Mr Bean - you did a great job!!!


Chiyo said...

don't worry reina, Mr Bean kills his teddies too, but they die a quicker death, getting their heads plucked off :p


p.s. it's always the eyes first for me too!

Girl girl said...

Woh... maybe you are a plastic surgeon just like Luckie...

~ girl girl

ume said...

keke... is this a dachie thg? 1st Luckie, now u, showing us your surgical powess!

ferndoggle said...

Poor Mr. Bean...he needs a seeing eye dog!


Copper said...

I go for the squeeker first myself. Good job though.

asta up over said...

Mr Been is pwobably glad to have been loved to death by a cutie like you
smoochie kisses

Luckie said...

Hey Reina,
Well done girl. I would have gone one step extra and turn him inside out. tee hee hee...

Sweets said...

Hi ya Reina, you sure made mince meat of Mr.Bean. I guess he didn't stand a chance. Go for the eyes...that's what I do. What do they need with eyes anyway? Have a great weekend.


Hammer said...

Hi Reina
Poor Mr Bean. I'm ruff with my toys too. This is why mum took Lionel away from me. I've really missed you too. I hope I don't have any more long breaks from talking to my friends.
Love from Hammer

Peanut said...

haha he has no insides. Good going

Putter said...

Poor Mr. Bean :(

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

basukarthiya said...

i am a very big fan of MR.bean . i am 15 years old and i want to know bean the superhero is still alive

Hajee Ismail said...

i had about him just today we missed one nice man my son is still laughing because of him only he should watch atleast 3 times woooooo i can't beleive it was a big surprised for me

sorry for each and everybody (We Missed a Nice Man)


Hajee Ismail

sudhir said...

it is too sad mrbean

krishna said...

its veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sad ..we missed a gud and talented actor....

sadia said...

I am so surprised to hear that such a brilliant and talented person have died

genius said...

hi there how r u is it true that bean is dead, wana a quick reply

KRITIKA said...


Ridhima said...

I want to know about Mr bean Death

Naveen said...

Who r u