
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some hidden truth

Hello everyone! I'm glad most of you liked the video of me surfing USA. Hee hee.

There was some glitch in the video that masked some hidden truth of what actually happened that day. Remember the part where Mummy tried to take me out of the pool? The truth is that I let her know how I felt about the whole idea of taking me out by giving her a piece of my mind.

This is the original footage of what actually happened. Rrrrrr... 



Girl girl said...

Hee. you really love swimming alot huh Reina. I wouldn't want to be the one who gets you out of the pool. :)

~ Girl girl

Boy n Baby said...

Reina, you are so brave. We hate water so much.

Boy n Baby

Roxie, Sammy & Andy said...

Reina! You naughty girl! You shouldn't growl and bark at your mommy like that! We can't believe you got away with it. Our Mom says that is one thing she won't tolerate. Maybe you get away with it because you are so cute and (usually) so sweet.

simba said...

Why do humnans always interfer and try and stop our fun?

Simba xx

Ricky said...

Reina I want to go swimming with you!

Maggie & Mitch said...

Aren't you the fiesty little so and so! hehehe
You're a true girl b*itch Reina! Welcome to the club!

Love ya lots,

Sparky said...

Oh boy! You love the water even more than I thought. You must be desperate to stay in that pool!


Copper said...

You made my Mommy laugh a lot Reina!

Mona,Jacks, Toby too!! said...

You go girl!! Now Jacks realy wants to go skinny dipping with you.

Joe Stains said...

oooh you are brave to talk back!! even braver for getting in that SCARY water!

Ike said...

Why would you want to be in a pool. I don't get it.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Reina.
You sure made her know what did you think about it! My mom is still laughing!
Have a good night

Cody The Fussypot Pants said...

Reina you are fierce! My ma would have spanked me for talking back to her!

You are def one sassy gal!

BTW, I left you a pte msg via your blog. Did you get it?

Luckie Girl said...

Uh're very fierce! I wouldn't do that to my Mom. :P I need to learn from you!!

Suki said...

YES! I love swimming, too. Well, I don't know about "swimming" but I do love to go in the bathtub and the kiddy pool, just like you :)

Puggy kisses

ume said...

haha... u r such a water baby! a surfer babe definitely!

Boo said...

oh reina, you are fierce! even tho you have short legs, but you jumped in the pool pretty quickly huh.

wet wet licks


Clover said...

Reina, I just love watching you swim in the pool. Soooo cute! I don't blame you for not wanting to get out!
Love Clover xo

Hana the Dog said...

Wow Reina! You might be small, but you are loud when you mean business!!!