I swear this thing is evil.
I shall publish my own REINA PAWTTER and make sure Mummy reads that!
Shame on you Mummy! Daddy's in camp and you are supposed to spend more time with me and not Mr Potter!!!!!
Reina's Mum: Well, i forgo a gathering with my University friends and brought Reina to a dachshund gathering. I said bye bye to the gathering.. i was supposed to go watch The Simpsons and then go to a nice pub for some drinks. I FORGO all these for Reina. So Reina, quit Whinning...
Lousy Mummy :p - Reina
Hey Reina,
I hope you enjoyed the dachshund gathering. I am very sad about Oscar. Can't stop thinking about him. :(
Hoomans are strange. My daxiedaddy aspends a lot of time in front of the computer or with a book. Why does he do that when he could spend the time with ME!!! Taking walks, sniffing out delightful stinky places or scratching my tummy??? He's stooopid!!! But I like anyway. He's got such a nice face to lick!
my mum is another harry potter freak too....but her favourite character is not potter....but snape...hahah
Ok, now that's just...... weird I guess, we have the same first name and last name................
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